The FTW team wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year 2022!
Welcome to our first big christmas event series!
During this timeframe we will hold two events, and celebrate this years festivities with some simulation flying!
Christmas contest 2021
Similar to the birthday event, there will be special orders offered by two FTW airlines and at the end there will be an evaluation with a small award ceremony, and a special twist to it!
Throughout December, there will always be smaller and larger price fluctuations in airline orders, which give the airlines larger order values.
To sweeten the “boring” holiday season a little bit more, we decided to put together a little event for you again this year.
The FTWantaClaus and FTWrinch are at odds with each other as usual, competing for the upper hand in the gift distribution business.
This year, the two have made a bet. The aim is to see who can distribute the most goods and helpers in the world by 12/28/2021.
For this the two quarrelsome need help from the FTW pilots. There are two event airlines (see buttons below), both must first collect helpers and material from the vicinity of their main locations (PPL/CPL) and later distribute from the main location in the world (MPL/ATPL).
Click on the buttons below to see the informations about the both airlines (GrinchExpress and SantaAir) and to join our discord to take part in the event!
Important: The flights from the small hubs to the main hubs should NOT be operated on ATPL/MPL machines! The two competitors agreed on that and ignoring that rule will result in penalties for the competitors.

To join a team, go take a look on our Discord and pick your role on the event roles chanel and see the channel of your airline, to help your favourite character!
Scores and numbers
Day | Flights | Passengers & Cargo | Delivered Goods (KG) | Produced Goods |
1 | 5 | 194 / 6500 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 5 | 194 / 6500 | 0 | 0 |
Day | Flights | Passengers & Cargo | Delivered Goods (KG) | Produced Goods |
1 | 5 | 194 / 6500 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 5 | 194 / 6500 | 0 | 0 |