Fly the World - Festivities 2022
“As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support and involvement. We are truly grateful for the community that has formed and continued to grow this year.
We hope that this text finds you well and that you are able to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation and fun during the holiday season. Whether you are spending time with family and friends, or taking a break to enjoy some flights, we wish you a Merry Christmas.”
Fizzy – project lead ftwsim.de
Festivities in FTW
During the holiday season, we will host several other events.
Screenshot contest & Leasing
You can contribute to FTW-SIM by sending in your favorite screenshots. Later this year, there will be a closed test of FTW's leasing system!
Travel season
Airlines can expect ticket prices to be higher during the holiday season as more people are going to travel.
Explore new destinations
During the holidays we will publish weekly routes to discover amazing places with your own GA-Aircraft. You will be supporting Santa by helping him deliver various cargo to remote locations.
Santaair vs Grinchexpress
Sadly this event has been cancelled this year due to us not having enough staff to be able to cope with the workload.
If you are interested in running events on FTW-SIM, please get in touch by opening up a ticket on our discord, or dropping us a message on the forums.
Screenshot Contest
To celebrate this year’s premier contest on FTW-SIM, we’re launching a screenshot contest alongside our other festivities.
From December 12th through January 8th, you have the chance to win different prizes.
There will be various categories, where we provide you with some bullet points, giving you much creative space.
The challanges will be changing every Sunday, providing different challenges.
Quest 2: Best historical aircraft shot
Feeling nostalgic-air? Show us your best shots of those old-timey planes in the simulator.
We’re talking biplanes, triplanes, and even those weirdly shaped experimental planes but also aircraft like a dc-3. Bonus points if you can capture a shot of your virtual pilot wearing a leather flying helmet and goggles.
Fly us back in time with your best vintage aircraft shots!
Allowed types of aircraft : ALL
Quest 3: Weather shot
Worst weather ever or best? Show us your wildest, wackiest weather shots in the simulator.
From thunderstorms that look like they’re straight out of a monster movie to snowstorms that would make even the abominable snowman shiver, we want to see it all.
Just try not to crash your plane while you’re at it!
Allowed types of aircraft : ALL
Challanges 1 and 2, ending December 18th 11:59pm UTC
Challanges 3, ending December 24th 11:59pm UTC
Challanges 3 and 4, ending December 25th 11:59pm UTC
Challanges 4 and 5, ending January 1st 11:59pm UTC
Challange 6, ending January 1st 11:59pm UTC
- Submit your most epic screenshot showcasing the featured challenge for the week either on IMAGES or the FORUM.
- No post-processing effects allowed. This includes 3rd party add-ons like ReShade.
- Each Challenge will be split into 2 *Teams*, your team is defined by the simulator you choose.
- Only post screenshots that include the weekly challenge and its subjects. Any other subject will be disqualified.
- Make it count: only 4 screenshots per day.
- You can only win once during the contest.
- By taking part on our contest, you agree to our rules and terms.
- You may only use fictional liveries.
© 2022 FTW-SIM.de and Aiena e.V.